Monday, February 10, 2014

Ashlynn Six Months

Oh sweet Ashlynn.  What a month!  It's hard to believe you're half a year old already!  This month was a great one with several fun developments.  It also had it's rough moments with the introduction of sleep training.  Up to this point you were a great sleeper.  At the beginning of month six, you went from waking up rarely and just needing the paci to waking up and needing to be picked up, then needing to be nursed, then finally to waking up multiple times a night.  We knew this was nothing more than you getting used to me helping you go back to sleep and we knew we had to do something to fix it.  So, we got rid of the pacifier and swaddle at night and started using the Ferber method to sleep train.  After two nights, you were no longer waking up in the middle of the night.  It's taken a bit longer to get you to stop crying when we initially lay you down for bed, but we are certainly making major progress.  Some nights there is no crying at all and sometimes there is still a bit.  Overall you've done great, though.  Naps have been a different story.  Sleep training hasn't worked as well with naps and we haven't been nearly as consistent with naps.  Still working on that one.  Some days it is hard, but I know that once we're past it, it will seem like it was never that big of a deal.  A few fun things from month six:

  • Second tooth: Ashlynn's second tooth broke through the day after her five month birthday.  She was a couple months earlier on teeth than Emily was.  I also got my first couple of teeth right around 4-5 months, so I guess she's taking after me. :-)
  • Tongue games:  Ashlynn started both sucking on her tongue and sticking out her tongue this month.  Pretty much the cutest thing ever.
  • Sitting up!  This was the big month that she decided to become a sitter.  It was a big day for her because it was also the day she decided to start sticking out her tongue!  She still doesn't roll much, but sitting is her thing.
  • First solid food: We introduced oatmeal cereal on the day before her six month birthday. She loved it!
  • Vomit: Yuck! A couple times this month we've had to deal with vomit in the middle of the night.  She wasn't sick, just overly full from formula supplementing on top of breast milk at bedtime.  We've learned our lesson!
Six month stats: Weight 15 lbs 3.5 oz (31%,) Height 26.97 in (89%,) Head 16.93 in (71%.)  Ashlynn wears six month clothes and has just transitioned to size two diapers.

And a few more pics from this month:
Is there anything cuter?

Right as Emily was accidentally biting her.

Loves to be nakie.

We have a sitter!

And there's that tongue. :)

More tongue!

Driving her car

First time on the church playground

Playing with her toys

Selfie with mommy

Hanging out at Jazzercise

These sisters love each other!

Ready for some yummies!  First time eating solids.

Hanging out with Papa

What a face!


Ashy Kateykins,
We love you so much and are enjoying (almost) every moment with you. :)  Your little smile just lights up the room and you are truly bringing so much joy to our lives every day.  We couldn't love you any more than we do.  We pray every day that the Lord will draw you close to him and that you will know him intimately from a young age and cling to him all of your days.  You are a bright, bright light in this dark world.  We love you little beauty princess!