Friday, August 5, 2011

37 Weeks

I'm 37 weeks along today!

stalk of swiss chard (really?)
19 inches, around 6 1/2 lbs

Emily is now full term! She's just getting bigger.

155 bpm (as of 8/4/11)

None this week

Weight Loss/Gain
Gained 29 lbs (as of 8/4/11)

Side Effects
Hips hurting...still!
Swollen fingers and ankles, but only sometimes.
It's hard to get up off the couch or out of bed.

What I REALLY miss
I'm so close to being done with it that I'm not really missing anything anymore!

What I LOVE!
Feeling this baby move inside of me...not much longer!
Putting the finishing touches on the nursery
Attending all of our showers
Shopping for a few little things here and there

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