Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our appointment was great! Usually our doctor does the sonogram herself, but the way it was supposed to work today is that a sono tech would do all of the measurements and make sure there are no big problems and that everything is correctly developing and in place. Then, we would go meet with Dr. Staud just to go over any questions, etc. However, Miss Emily is stubborn (just like her parents) and didn't want to show her face during the big sono. The sonographer told us that everything was good and that she is growing perfectly. She just couldn't measure her facial bones, check her umbilical cord attachment, or confirm the gender. SO, we got a second sonogram with Dr. Staud! She was able to see the face, which looks like a precious little alien, as well as the umbilical cord. She also was able to see her girl parts, which do still appear to be girl parts. She weighs 11 oz and is somewhere around seven inches, rump to crown. Right now she's breach, but since we're only halfway along, she has plenty of room and time to turn. Let's hope she does!


  1. Umm, I need to see sono pictures. Now.

  2. Wow, Dr. Staud is amazing! Yay! I'm glad you got to see her little alien face...:-)

  3. and, I'm glad I've finally been able to post on your blog! I finally figured out it's the fault of Internet Explorer.
